Well, good things are happening. :) It's been a week or two, but we got the results of our DNA test back, and they were negative for Down's syndrome and the other things it tested for. I got the call while at work, and it was kind of funny how anti-climatic it seemed after all the decision-making that went into it. I called the hubs and let him know, and that was the end of it. But having one less thing to worry about is definitely a plus.
Also good: I've been checking my blood pressure every day and it has yet to be high at all, much less as high as it was in the doctor's office at my last visit. That is really comforting. There have been a couple times when I've been a little short of breath and been overly aware of my heart beat, but I asked Dr W about that at the last appointment and he confirmed that it's totally normal for pregnancy. I've been feeling really pretty good. I've had some heartburn, and my hips are already getting achy from sleeping on my sides, but all in all, I'd say things are pretty good.
This Tuesday we have our 16 week ultrasound and doctor appointment, and are expecting to find out the gender! I find it hard to believe that they'll already be able to tell at 16 weeks, but two friends I have who have seen specialists both said they were actually pretty sure they were having boys at 12 weeks!! Crazy! I'm still convinced this baby is a boy, so I guess it should be easy to tell, right!
As always, I'm nervous for our upcoming appointment. I know going in that my blood pressure will most likely be high when the nurse takes it. It helps to know that I'll have a whole long list of lower blood pressures to show the dr, but at the same time there is a part of me that doesn't trust my cuff. I use an automatic wrist cuff and I know that it's not flawless. I've checked it against a real one about 4 times, and it's been either a little low or right on every time, so I should be confident in it, but when I go to the doctor's office and get readings that are SO much higher, it's hard to feel confident that it could really be so much lower at home! But obviously, you can see the anxiety my appointments cause so I guess it makes sense!
Really, I get nervous about the whole appointment in general. I don't know why, except maybe that I'm just worried about anything that could have changed in the last month. But I'm nervous for our ultrasound too. I'm really excited to see our baby! But I'm kind of nervous to find out the gender! I'll be happy once we know. I just get nervous about big news like that! Kind of like I'm always happy to have people know I'm pregnant, but I really don't like telling them. Weird huh?
For now, we're trying to decide how we're going to find out the gender and tell our families. M can't come to this ultrasound because the doctor's appointment is afterward and it's going to be a looong afternoon if Dr W is as far behind as usual, and it all starts in the middle of nap time. The hubs wants to find out as a family, and suggested that we have the ultrasound tech put it in an envelope for us to open with her when we get home. I'm not really sure M will understand enough to be excited about it. I kind of like that idea, but I also kind of want to find out right away. So that's still up for discussion. Afterwards, when we get back into town, we'll either tell M then or find out together as a family, then we're going to get together with our parents and my sisters and brother-in-law to tell them the news over dessert. My parents are chomping at the bit to know. There are no boys in our family, so we're all curious to see if this one really is!
Other exciting news: I am DEFINITELY feeling baby movement! I've been pretty sure I've been feeling it faintly actually since maybe 13 weeks, definitely 14 weeks, but this week (15 weeks) I'm really sure, and I can actually say I've been feeling this baby daily already! Which seems odd, because I don't think I ever got to that point with M. The day she was born, the nurse at the doctor's office asked if I'd felt her move at all that day, and I told her no, but I remember that that really didn't surprise me because I was still having days here and there when I wouldn't. In retrospect, I realize that that's probably not normal, but at the time I didn't think much of it. I think a big part of it was that she was so much smaller than they thought she should be at that point in the pregnancy. The hubs said the reason I'm already feeling this one so much is because it's going to be 10 lbs! And I tell him to stop talking because I would like this one to be able to make it out. :P All I know is I can't wait until M can feel the baby moving. It's going to be so much fun! Hopefully it doesn't freak her out... Haha... It's hard to guess what she's going to be scared of these days!
So it's another week of taking it one step at a time, and taking a deep breath and reminding myself to trust God. I've had just an underlying sense of anxiety the past couple of days, and I'm sure that it's because I just need to spend a little time talking to God and focusing on my trust in him. I still believe that this pregnancy is in His hands and that it will go well, but as it becomes more real, with my growing belly and upcoming gender reveal, the anxiety over the possibilities become more real as well. I need to start my "God jar" so that I can write down each anxiety as it comes and put it in God's jar as a physical way of handing it over to Him every day. I know that I may have to put it back on more than one occasion, but I think that phyiscal exercise would really be a good one for me right now. Actually, I'm going to do that now.
As always, prayers are appreciated for a healthy baby and for my body to do it's job!