Sunday, July 1, 2012

Big News!

Oh how things have changed since my last post. And so very much for the good! I got my BFP yesterday (Saturday)!! Read: big fat positive pregnancy test! I was totally shocked! Friday morning I peed on my first stick and there was the faintest of faint lines, but I though "Surely that's nothing." Actually, with my first pregnancy, I remember using a cheap-o test and being able to see where the line would be, and I was sure that's all that faint line was. So what did I do? Dunked a second test in water for comparison purposes. ;) When that one didn't show any line at all, I definitely began wondering. My boobs have been feeling fuller since 4 DPO (days post-ovulation), and I started feeling really tired about midweek, but I attributed everything to being on my first round of Clomid and, let's face it, when you're a full-time working mom of a two year-old, it's hard to differentiate tired vs really tired. BUT when I re-tested Saturday morning the line was clearly darker! The hubs had to be convinced that these little Wondfo tests are really sensitive and accurate, and he insisted that I send a picture to my BFF, who I mentioned just got her BFP last week. I did, and when she called I answered the phone to lots of squealing. :) So he took that to be a positive interpretation.
Top: Friday's HPT; Middle and Bottom: Saturday's HPTs 

My Chart with Climbing Temps!

So wow! We went from thinking our timing was rotten and having scheduled an appointment with an RE to being pregnant! I kept thinking, "Well, if God wants us to be pregnant, our bad timing isn't going to stop Him." So here we are!
Things have absolutely fallen into place. I was frustrated when my original RE appointment was pushed back to Tuesday,  but had it been scheduled for Friday, they probably would have said, "Congrats! You're pregnant! $40 please!" Also, we were supposed to spend Saturday on the river. I was concerned about the 100+ degree heat, but we decided to make it a little shorter day and spend more time in the water, but the friend who was supposed to go along hurt his back, so we canceled the trip. Instead we spent the morning visiting our parents and telling them our exciting news. (Yes, we already told our parents. We're each close to our parents and wanted to share with them asap, although the rest of the general public won't know for a while). I was able to take a nap when M did too. Like I said, I'm already tired.
The third thing that fell right into place was getting my Lovenox shots from the pharmacy. Earlier in the week, I called my insurance to make sure I would be able to get them from Walgreens rather than via mail order, and was informed that they would only pay for 12 shots a month. I also needed a pre-auth, so I called my MFM and left it in their hands. When I called back the next day to check in, I was told that the insurance wouldn't pay for any at all until I was officially pregnant. My MFM insisted that I have the medication on hand so that I could begin taking it immediately upon getting a positive HPT. So I really needed to have it on hand. I took the prescription to Walgreens to at least get the process started, and, lo and behold, they filled the entire 30 day prescription for a $45 copay, which is what they said I would have to pay for just 12 shots! Hooray!!!  So I was able to start my shots immediately yesterday morning. :) I actually had to run back to Walgreens for alcohol swabs, and ended up giving myself the first shot in the car. I had to force myself not to hesitate, but I did it! The bad news is that it hurt way more than the practice shot at the dr's office. Not the shot itself so much, but the medication. But not as bad as having to visit my baby in the NICU every day... Yesterday's shot left an ugly bruise and needle mark, but today's was a little smoother and I held pressure on it a little longer, and the result is much nicer.
First 2 Lovenox Shots
You can see the darker bruise on the bottom of the picture and today's mark a little above and to the left. My belly is going to be beautiful... Looks like I'll be wearing a tank top over my swimsuit!

 Tomorrow I will be calling the RE to cancel my appointment and my MFM to schedule a new one. Hooray! I may also call my regular OB to let him know that the Clomid was a success and that I am preggo!

Remember the friend who just found out she is also preggo? Well, her son is 3 weeks older than M and this time around, we're due 9 days apart! She's due March 3, which, amazingly, is the same day she was due with her son, and I am due March 12. And, because I like to keep it interesting, March 12 is just one day after M's birthday! My birthday is on the 8th and my dad's is on the 16th, so March is already a busy birthday month, and it's only going to get busier. Before getting pregnant with M, I had said that I would really like to have a March baby. Getting pregnant that June wasn't in the cards for us, but I (of course) was happy with our June due date when we did get pregnant. However, apparently the power of my suggestion was strong, because of course, she made her grand entrance in March after all. This time, I have been saying that I want to make it to 39 weeks and 6 days, because my MFM said he wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks and that because of my last c-section, they wouldn't induce labor if I don't start on my own, so if I go past 40 weeks it will for sure be a c-section delivery. But, as it turns out, 39 weeks 6 days is M's birthday! It's going to be interesting to say the least! But I'm excited to make it to March, and if that means that both my babies share a birthday, I am a-okay with it.

Here's to a full-term, healthy, and uneventful pregnancy! I'm talking myself up to it and, when I get nervous, just tell myself that this will be a long, healthy pregnancy with a healthy, chunky baby in our arms at the end. It will happen! All prayers are appreciated as we embark on this journey as a family!

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